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General Medicine Resources:
- WebMDHealth
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Obstetricians and Gynecologists Medical News
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- American Medical Association
- U.S. National Library of Medicine
- New England Journal of Medicine
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Resources:
- NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- National Foundation for Alternative Medicine
- Integrative Oncology Resources Guide
- National Cancer Institute: CAM
- Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Imaginis, The Women Health Resource
- National Center for Integrative Primary Healthcare
- “Ultimate Yoga Resource Guide”
Complementary and Integrative Medicine Centers:
- Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health
- Academic Integrative Centers/Universities List
- Center for Mind-Body Medicine (Washington, DC)
- University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
- Duke Integrative Medicine Center (Durham, NC)
- The George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health
- GW Center for Aging, Health and Humanities
- The Center for Women’s Health (Darien, CN)
- The Continuum Center for Health and Healing (New York, NY)
- Smith Farm Center for Healing Arts (Washington, DC)
- MD Anderson Center for Cancer – CIMER (University of Texas)
- OncoLink (University of Pennsylvania)
- Mesothelioma Cancer Guide
Cancer Treatments: