GWCIM Virtual Open Houses

What are GWCIM Open Houses?

About once in two months, the GWCIM team invites our patients, medical providers, and the general public to participate in The Open House Event. The Open Houses are free virtual educational events focused on the most interesting medical topics and areas of healthcare, sometimes controversial ones. We announce Zoom links and information about upcoming Open Houses on our website, GWCIM social media, and GWCIM monthly e-Newsletter.

During our Open Houses, qualified specialists present their expertise, experience, and opinions to you. In addition to our in-house doctors and practitioners, we often invite experts in specific fields to provide deeper insights into the topics. It is a great sharing, exchange, and discussion.

Half of the 60-minute Open House is dedicated to your questions, which you can ask via Zoom or send in through the chat. We love to discuss practical matters, including patient resources, links, books, referrals, and recommendations.

All Open House events are recorded and available for viewing on Dr. Misha Kogan’s YouTube channel. You can few some sample recorded videos on this page.

Next Open House in 2025: TBD

March 2023: CBDV – Cannabidivarin, therapeutic use:  Watch

February 2023: Long COVID : Watch

September 2022: Medical groups and classes: what is there for you? Watch

August, 2022: What is CBG Cannabigerol?  Watch

July, 2022: Long COVID Recovery: Watch

2022: Food Quality: Watch

2022: Psilocybin and Alzheimer’s Disease: Watch

2021: Food, Mood, Mold, Brain and Memory: Watch

2021: What is the Future of medicine for older adults?  Watch

2023:  Ashley Drapeau’s personal journey with Long COVID: Watch

Stay connected by following us on social media, subscribing to the GWCIM monthly newsletter, and tuning into Dr. Misha Kogan’s YouTube channel. This way, you’ll receive invitations to our Open Houses and stay updated on all our latest events and insights.

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