Intravenous Therapies: IVs

What is IV therapy?

Intravenous Therapies In Washington D.C.
Intravenous Therapies are used to enhance treatment of various health conditions at GW Center for Integrative Medicine.

Intravenous (Infusion) therapy is a useful alternative to oral treatment options and can be used to treat multiple health conditions from infections and chronic pain to immune deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, nutrient deficiencies, and side-effects of other medical treatments.  In general, IV fluids might include nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes or medications.  In addition to Intravenous infusions, we offer intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of medicines and supplements. All IV infusions and injections are administered by licensed medical personnel such as nurses or phlebotomists in presence of medical doctors at the clinic. Scroll to the end of this page for our FAQ section.

Myers’ Cocktail

The Meyer’s Cocktail is an intravenous (IV) therapy that consists of a mixture of vitamins and minerals. It was developed by Dr. John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland. The original formula typically includes the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • B-Complex Vitamins (such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Vitamin B12

These combinations of vitamins and minerals can provide nutritional benefits and has low potential for serious side effects.

Vitamin C

According to National Cancer Institute: a growing number of preclinical studies are showing how high-dose vitamin C might benefit cancer patients.  In addition to treatment for cancer, we use high dose intravenous Vitamin C to treat a variety of infections as an adjunctive modality.  Please inquire about the specifics.


Glutathione has been the subject of scientific research for many years. Studies have shown that levels of glutathione directly correspond to the health and function of cells. Glutathione is involved in tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and in immune system function. Overall, the aging process is associated with changes in the balance of glutathione. As research proves more disease states manifesting glutathione deficiency, glutathione repletion therapy will continue to be a helpful therapeutic strategy. IV glutathione therapy is recommended to Parkinson’s patients, other aging problems, alcohol use disorder, liver disease, heart disease, and many other conditions. Glutathione supplementation is relatively safe, caution is taken for people with sulfite sensitivities and patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

Phosphatidylcholine (PC)

In the body, phosphatidylcholine is found naturally in all cell membranes. It is a major supplier of choline, which is a precursor to acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter essential to proper muscle, brain and nerve function. Although the body synthesizes its own choline, levels of healthy choline in membranes can decline with age, toxic exposures and other chronic ilnesses, and additional supplementation can be necessary. Phosphatidylcholine IV therapy can benefit patients with liver damage, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, poor memory, autoimmune conditions, mold and other environmental toxicity, chest pain, anxiety, as well as brain injury from stroke or trauma.

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) intramuscular injectable

NAD+ is an essential coenzyme in regulating metabolism, longevity, DNA repair, and the immune system. A deregulation of NAD+ levels is associated with signs of aging, metabolic diseases, neurodegeneration, and cancer.  NAD+ holds promise as support for aging and treatment for various age-related conditions such as frailty, muscle mass loss, cognitive decline, Parkinson’s disease, and others. Patients with chronic fatigue, particularly those with Long COVID, should also consider trying NAD+, especially when functional medicine testing or clinical assessment suspects poor mitochondrial function. Additionally, NAD+ injections are commonly used for addictions to boost energy and aid in overcoming dependence on substances.  Read more on NAD+ page...


In addition to the above listed infusions and injections we provide other individualized formulas including Mistletoe injection therapy for cancer patients.

We also offer Ketamine Supported Psychotherapy (KAP) at the GWCIM. For more information check out KAP page.

We also work closely with several practices across the country to provide continuity infusions during patients’ travels. If your physician prescribed a specific nutritional IV formula, we may be able to provide it for you. Please contact us directly at 202-833-5055 if you have questions.

Frequently Asked Questions about IV Therapy at GWCIM

How long does IV therapy take?

Typically IV sessions lasts from 45 min to 2 hours. Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections are quick but you may need to stay under medical monitoring for a specific time period which depends on the type of therapy.

Can I schedule my first IV appointment without initial medical appointment?

Before scheduling any infusion or injection therapy appointment, we require an appointment with a medical provider at GWCIM who will assess your health history and recommend IV therapy. This appointment can be minimal length, if you are transferring your IV therapy from other clinic to us.

Who is administering IV therapy at GWCIM?

Aall IV prescriptions and administrations are performed by expert medical stuff. At this time fully credentialed and experienced nurses work on our IV team under supervision of MD doctors.

What should I do before IV therapy appointment?

Before IV therapy appointment you should eat and hydrate.

Can family member/s stay with me in the treatment room?

GWCIM has one shared IV room and one private IV room. Family members can either stay with you in the treatment room if space is available or wait for you in the waiting room.

What should wear and what can I bring to my IV therapy appointment?

You should wear comfortable clothing. You can bring water and snacks, headphones, book, sleep mask. We provide infrared heat mats on the chair, blankets, water and hot tea.

Can I stay at the clinic longer after my appointment?

You are welcome to stay longer in our waiting room and enjoy a cup of tea.

What is GWCIM mask policy?

At this time masks are not mandatory but some of our IV patients chose to wear masks.

Do you offer peptide IV or injections or glutathione for skin lightening. 

No, we do not offer this IV treatments?

Is KAP (Ketamine Assisted Therapy) is similar to other IV therapy?

No, KAP is a part of a larger treatment program and we have a special process for KAP sessions. Also we almost exclusively offer intramuscular injection of Ketamine, not IV infusions.

Are NAD+ injections are IVs?

No, our NAD+ injections are not IV infusions, they are quicksand easy injection into muscle just under skin. We train you and monitor you for your first injection, after which you can self-inject NAD+ at home. This lowers cost significantly for patients.

At the GW Center of Integrative medicine all IV prescriptions and administrations are performed by expert medical stuff—MDs and nurses.

Contact our team to learn more about IV therapy at GW Center in Washington, D.C.