Medical Marijuana Book, Dr. Misha Kogan’s Updates on Soft Cover Edition
Dr. Misha Kogan announced an update to his Medical Marijuana book. Dr. Kogan is the medical director GW Center for Integrative Medicine and a social professor of medicine at George Washington University. The original hardcopy Medical Marijuna book was released in 2021.The soft cover which was recently released in 2023, is largely the5564 same, although it contains some updates on COVID and CBDV. You can purchase the book on Amazon.
Watch Dr. Misha Kogan’s Video Update on the Medical Marijuana Book
What is CBDV?
CBDV is a minor cannabinoid that is gaining momentum. In this hour-long virtual open house Dr. Kogan and guests discuss what is known about CBDV, how it is applied in clinical practice, where you can obtain it and how to dose it.
Watch Dr. Kogan’s CBDV video