Sharon DeMocker, MD

Integrative Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine

Dr. Sharon DeMocker, MD, is an Integrative Medicine and Lifestyle physician and chronic disease specialist.


At GWCIM, Dr. DeMocker consults patients with acute and chronic illnesses. Dr. DeMocker is a medically trained doctor specializing in evidence-based Integrative Medicine approach. She guides her patients through their medical information, concerns, and questions as a conventional physician, except for her visit time wallows for in-depth, comprehensive intake and follow-ups. The other Sharon’s expertise is that, from the first visit, she educates and informs her patients about their choices of Integrative therapies. Patients receive a comprehensive treatment and prevention plan and immediate help. As a physician, she and her patients greatly benefit from being a part of the GWCIM team of Integrative Medicine specialists.

Professional Background

Before joining the GW Center for Integrative Medicine, Dr. Sharon DeMocker, MD, served as the Medical Director for the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center at the DC VA Medical Center. In this role, she led one of three national teams dedicated to evaluating Veterans with chronic, medically unexplained illnesses. This multidisciplinary team provided second-opinion clinical consultations for patients referred from across the eastern half of the U.S., conducted research, and offered education on the latest evidence-based developments to medical providers and patients.

Contributions and Publications

Dr. DeMocker has made significant contributions to the field of Integrative Medicine. She contributed to Dr. Mikhail Kogan’s textbook, “Integrative Geriatric Medicine,” published by Oxford University Press as part of the Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine Library series. She has also spoken on a panel at an Integrative Medicine conference with Dr. Patch Adams and has been featured in numerous radio shows and nationwide webinars on Integrative Medicine topics.

Previous Experience:

  • founded and led an Integrative Medicine clinic near Asheville, NC, for over a decade.
  • trained under Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona, the first postdoctoral Integrative Medicine training center in the country.
  • Residency in Family Medicine through the University of Virginia in Lynchburg, with a focus on healthy lifestyle choices to prevent disease, which included her first clinical training with Dr. Weil.
  • Medical School at the Medical University of South Carolina
  • Research on the physical and psychological aftermath of trauma (as medical student)

Personal Interests

Outside of her professional work, Dr. DeMocker is an avid hiker and trail runner, often accompanied by her dogs. She also enjoys horseback riding, kayaking, and gardening.